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October 26, 2019

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Arco Innovation Award

Using technology to reduce occupational risk

Technology is being used more frequently for carrying out repair and maintenance work has become more common.

droneThe Arco Innovation Award 2019, is a brand new initiative aimed at harnessing the latest in innovation and disruptive technology to bring improved product and service solutions to workplace safety. The growth in technology start-ups bringing real product innovation is transforming our lives in many ways, from driverless cars to AI and virtual reality applications. Arco’s objective is to show how these technologies can be applied to improving workplace safety, health and wellbeing.

Most technological developments aimed at reducing occupational risk, fall broadly into three categories. Firstly, the use of drone technology for surveying and monitoring in addition to robots for carrying out repair and maintenance work has become more common, with a 14 million unit increase in worldwide drone sales in the last five years.

The second category still requires human power, but new technologies offer ways of better preparing them to deal with and monitor hazards, such as virtual and augmented reality technology for enriched training experiences. The final category of innovation encompasses technology that physically aids risk reduction by extending human capabilities such as exoskeletons and assistive mechanical frames.

Through the Innovation Award programme, Arco seeks to solve some of the longstanding challenges facing the health and safety industry by identifying new, disruptive and forward-thinking technologies. The winner will be given the opportunity to feature in Arco’s product offering with a position on the Arco website and catalogue and promotion across its sales channels. It’s an exciting opportunity for the winner and for Arco, to identify and celebrate small, start-up companies that are using new technology to really make a difference to people’s lives.

The first batch of Arco Innovation Award finalists, in the Software & AI solutions and Augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR) categories, has been announced.

Meet the Arco Innovation Award judges here.

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Using technology to reduce occupational risk Technology is being used more frequently for carrying out repair and maintenance work has become more common.
SHP - Health and Safety News, Legislation, PPE, CPD and Resources

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