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March 24, 2020

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Arco Innovation Award

Sonodot announced as winner of Arco Innovation Award

The demonstration day is finished, the judges have deliberated, you the readers have chosen and all votes have been counted. After an exciting process that saw 36 of the best new start-up companies in health and safety technology shortlisted to five, the winner of Arco’s Innovation Award has been selected.

And the winner is…. Sonodot.

Each of the five finalists offered impressive, innovative solutions, but ultimately SHP readers and the panel of judges felt that Sonodot, with its indoor location-tracking systems for warehouse assets and workers, was the solution which would be most beneficial and disruptive for the health and safety market.

Sonodot and its solution

SonodotSondot develops ultrasound sensors for the real-time tracking of people and assets in warehouses, providing services such as forklift tracking and 24/7 visibility of a company’s high value assets. The solution also offers a software platform to analyse operational performance and make recommendations to optimise equipment use and avoid accidents. This allows facilities managers to make better decisions around safety, human labour and fleet utilisation.

What happens next

Arco is now engaging with Sonodot to discuss next steps in taking Sonodot to its customer base across the UK.

Adam Young, Director of Marketing at Arco, said, “The Innovation Award has been a fantastic opportunity for the team at Arco and the rest of the judging panel to discover some exciting, dedicated start-ups with truly forward-thinking and innovative ideas. At Arco, we are dedicated to keeping people safe at work. As technology progresses, it’s crucial that we keep up to date with the latest trends and incorporate them into our offering. We are excited to work with Sonodot and think its solution will have a great impact on the health and safety world today and in the foreseeable future.”

Arco Innovation Award 2019 Demo Day

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Sonodot announced as winner of Arco Innovation Award The demonstration day is finished, the judges have deliberated, you the readers have chosen and all votes have been counted. After an exciting process that saw 36 of the best new start-up companies in health and safety technology shortlisted to five, the winner of Arco’s Innovation Award has been selected.
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