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December 15, 2021

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Safety & Health Podcast

Louise Hosking and Jimmy Quinn on IOSH Presidency and looking ahead to 2022

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In this episode of the Safety & Health Podcast, we are joined by both IOSH President, Louise Hosking, and Immediate Past President, Jimmy Quinn, to discuss overcoming the challenges of the last 12 months and look ahead to what’s in store for 2022.

Safety & Health PodcastLouise Hosking was officially confirmed as IOSH’s new figurehead at its annual general meeting in November. She will serve in the role for 12 months, representing IOSH in webinars and events around the world.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to listen to this interview in full…

In this interview, we discuss her plans for her Presidency, including equality, diversity and inclusion and how the role of the health & safety practitioner is changing.

We also look back on the past 12 months with Immediate Past President Jimmy Quinn, about how he had to adapt his plans in the light of COVID-19 and his on-going work around veterans and the armed forces and on mental health.

Read the full interview with Jimmy Quinn and Louise Hosking, here.

Click here for more on IOSH’s ‘Catch the Wave’.

Safety & Health Podcast

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Last time out, we were joined by Sarah Waters, Professor of French Studies at the University of Leeds, to look at a study, published by University of Leeds and Hazards Campaign, which calls on the HSE to monitor, regulate and ultimately prevent workplace suicides.


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Louise Hosking and Jimmy Quinn on IOSH Presidency and looking ahead to 2022 IOSH President Louise Hosking and IOSH Immediate Past President Jimmy Quinn discuss the challenges of COVID-19 and look ahead to 2022.
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