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June 11, 2024

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Environmental health should be key in the general election, says CIEH

Environmental health should be a key issue and at the forefront of the political agenda in the upcoming general election, the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) has said.

The Institute has launched a General Election campaign which includes a Manifesto for Environmental Health 2024 outlining critical issues and a Pledge Campaign which invites parliamentary candidates to commit to change.

Any candidates which sign up will pledge to engage with CIEH on vital environmental health issues listed in the manifesto, elevate the profile of environmental health in parliament, supporting key concerns through questions and legislative amendments, and collaborate to establish an All-Party Parliamentary Group on Environmental Health, driving focused discussions and actions in parliament.

Louise Hosking, Executive Director of Environmental Health, CIEH

Louise Hosking, Executive Director of Environmental Health at CIEH, said: “We are excited to launch our General Election campaign, which is designed to bring environmental health to the forefront of political discussions.

“Our manifesto, co-produced with our member-led Advisory Panels, provides a clear roadmap for addressing key environmental health issues. Our pledge campaign aims to create meaningful partnerships with MPs, making it an ideal time for our members to get involved.

“With many new faces expected in Parliament, this is a unique opportunity to influence a new generation of policymakers and ensure that environmental health becomes a priority.

“We encourage all our members to join us in this effort by downloading our letter template and writing to their parliamentary candidates.

“By working together, we can make a significant impact during this critical pre-election period and put environmental health firmly on the political agenda.”

The CIEH said with over 120 MPs standing down at the election, it is a unique opportunity to put environmental health on the agenda for many MPs who will be new to Parliament.

CIEH will be reaching out to candidates from across the political spectrum and aligning key messages with their party priorities.
It is also providing a ‘Write to Your Candidate‘ template on its website for members to download, personalise and send to their local candidates, urging them to read the manifesto and sign up to the pledge campaign.

Home page credit: Paula Solloway/Alamy Stock Photo

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