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September 5, 2016

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Pub chain fined £95k after staff burnt on cooking range

A pub chain has been fined £95,000 after a a worker suffered burn injuries from a gas-fired cooking range.

The member of staff was injured when the gas range had a ‘flash over’ while it was being used in July 2015 at the Angel Inn, near Trecenydd in Caerphilly.

Enterprise Inns was fined £95,000 for health and safety breaches after a hearing at Newport Magistrates Court on 16 August.

The company, which leases its pubs to tenants to run, admitted one charge under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.

Enterprise Inns also had to pay costs of £15,860 and victim surcharge of £120.

As the owner of the premises, Enterprise Inns was the subject of the prosecution, which was brought by Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Environmental Health team.

Cllr Nigel George, Cabinet Member for Community Services, said: “This was a serious incident involving a person becoming injured as a result of a faulty gas appliance and I am pleased that the court has reflected this in the fine.”

A spokeswoman for Enterprise Inns said the company pleaded guilty after it carried out its own investigation which found that its health and safety policy had not been followed.


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Pub chain fined £95k after staff burnt on cooking range A pub chain has been fined £95,000 after a a worker suffered burn injuries from a gas-fired cooking range. The
SHP - Health and Safety News, Legislation, PPE, CPD and Resources

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