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August 22, 2012

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DSE assessment – energiseYou

Employee well-being specialist energiseYou has launched a new online DSE workstation assessment service to help large organisations that cannot carry out face-to-face assessments comply with the law.

Oliver Gray, managing director of energiseYou, said: “The system provides a comprehensive workstation assessment to help employees remain healthy and energised at their computer, and ensure organisations comply with the law. The system is both engaging and quick and easy for employees to use, and enables companies to easily identify any health-related issues or risks.

He added:€

DSE assessment – energiseYou Employee well-being specialist energiseYou has launched a new online DSE workstation assessment service to help large organisations that cannot carry out face-to-face assessments comply with the law.
SHP - Health and Safety News, Legislation, PPE, CPD and Resources

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