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Fall in workplace injuries and deaths

Reported major injuries at work have declined by about 9 per cent since the start of the decade, according to the HSE's provisional statistics for 2007/08, which also reveal that workplace deaths fell from 247 to 229 last year. Read More

Managing risk in cold work conditions

A new international standard has been issued on assessing risk and managing work in cold environments. Read More

Annual reports highlight worrying trend of rising worker illness rates

The rising incidence of occupational illness is causing the HSE and Irish HSA major concern, as indicated by the annual reports of each regulator. Read More

Slight fall in work-related deaths

Provisional HSE figures on work-related fatal injuries in Great Britain have revealed a slight decrease in fatalities. According to the statistics, 228 workers lost thier lives in Great Britain in 2007/08, compared with 247 workers in 2006/07. Read More

New standard to assess risks of managing work in cold environments

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has launched a new standard to assess and control the negative impacts of work in cold environments. Read More

Handling hazardous substances- How to win hands down

Every year, millions of tonnes of industrial chemicals help keep British businesses across almost every industry sector running smoothly, but their widespread use and application also makes them one of the workplace's greatest hazards. In terms of how to handle them safely, John Thorne provides a quick reminder for practitioners of how to select the right gloves. Read More

HSE to carry out checks on migrant workers in Cambridgeshire

The HSE has announced a series of spot checks on premises in Cambridgeshire employing migrant workers supplied by agencies to ensure that they are not at risk through inadequate training. Read More

Tougher stance on illegal working offers safety boost

In a move that could have a positive impact on health and safety, foreign workers hoping to fill skilled vacancies in Britain will have to meet strict new criteria under Home Office plans due to come into force this autumn. Read More

Call for more enforcement and law changes to cut exploitation

Employment practices viewed as exploitative in the 19th century are still common today, claims a major report on vulnerable workers, published today. Read More

The choice is yours

Making the right respiratory protective equipment (RPE) selection can mean the difference between safety and health or occupational illness, and, in some instances, even death, explains Greg Barber. Read More

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Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

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