January 23, 2024

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SHP appoint Karl Simons OBE as Editorial Board Chairman

Respected figure in profession brings wealth of knowledge to help guide editorial strategy. 

Karl Simons OBE at SHP’s offices, London. January 2024

SHP is pleased to announce the appointment of Karl Simons OBE as Chairman of its Editorial Board for 2024.

Karl’s resume covers an array of different verticles including defence, oil and gas, mining, rail, utilities, construction and facilities, more recently he is co-founder of start-up Fyld, which uses AI to enhance workplace safety.

Having studied at Harvard he now lectures at Cambridge University. He was awarded an OBE in 2020 in recognition of his work around mental health, and in 2019 was revealed as SHP’s Most Influential figure in the profession, as voted for by its readers. Karl is also an advisor to the UK Cabinet Office on matters around AI and health and safety.

On his appointment, Simons said: “This is a real honour and a responsibility that I’m certainly not taking lightly. I’ve been a reader of SHP for longer than I can remember and over the years it has continued to keep me abreast of the latest developments and what others are doing that I can learn from. I feel I truly understand the mission of SHP and its values in how it operates.”

The seven other members that make up the 2024 Board will be revealed this week, with members representing a diverse range of backgrounds and sectors.

“We have a broad group around the table working alongside me, which means we can maximise outputs through our shared experience and knowledge working closely together to shape the strategic direction of this respected title,” Simons told SHP.

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Thabiso Kaotsane-Seatlhodi
Thabiso Kaotsane-Seatlhodi
5 months ago

Congratulations my good Sir.. With your rich knowledge and skills most definitely you will excute this task exceptionally..

Karl Simons
Karl Simons
4 months ago

Thanks Thabiso