back pain

Back pain at work costs third of workers at least one day off a year

According to the study, two fifths of workers (40%) who spend the majority of their time at work sitting do not feel that they are able to take regular breaks. Read More

Logistics and occupational health

By Dr Lucy Wright Occupational health (OH) is a branch of medicine that is concerned with the relationship and interaction Read More

Eight tips on reducing the risk of back pain

Karen Hall, BSc(Hons) MCSP, Chartered Physiotherapist at PMI Health Group Tip 1: Assess risk as soon as possible Don’t leave Read More

Back pain – health and safety

<i>Musculoskeletal disorders are by far the most commonly reported health and safety problems in British workplaces, and, within the MSD 'family', back complaints are the most prevalent.1 But, argues Percy Smith, the majority are not actually caused by work and should be reported and recorded as work-related injuries, rather than lost-time accidents.</i> Read More

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Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business