david cameron

Grenfell Inquiry: Government “hid” fire safety risks to buildings

Consecutive governments have been accused of “deliberately covering up” the dangers posed to combustible materials before the Grenfell Tower fire. Read More

Self-employed to be exempt from health and safety law – are they really low risk?

In his speech to the Federation of Small Businesses this week, David Cameron announced that one million self-employed people will be completely exempt from health and safety law when the Deregulation Bill comes into force. Read More

Cameron’s red tape crusade: self-employed ‘exempt’ from health and safety law

Prime Minister also pledges to relax rules on safe use of ladders Read More

EU red tape’ report fails on business case

Recommendations in a government-commissioned report, presented to the weekly Cabinet meeting yesterday (15 October), could hamper rather than foster growth. Read More

PM urges Qatar to follow UK construction safety record

David Cameron has praised the UK's construction industry for its health and safety record when it was preparing for the 2012 London Olympics, and urged Qatar to improve its standards of care for World Cup stadium workers. Read More

Health and safety discourages work-experience placements, says PM

Onerous health and safety regulations are partly responsible for discouraging businesses from offering work-experience placements to young people, David Cameron has told an audience of small-business leaders. Read More

Government policy will result in more accidents, suggests survey

Four out of five health and safety professionals think the Government has little understanding of their role. Read More

Hard-hat manufacturer wins special endorsement

Prime Minister David Cameron has nominated PPE manufacturer JSP for the 'Made by Britain' project Read More

HSE announces another challenge panel to help rebut myths

The HSE is inviting the public to inform it about absurd claims, or decisions made by non-regulators that bring health and safety into disrepute, so that a new dedicated challenge panel can quickly disprove them. Read More

Prime minister vows to “kill off the health and safety culture for good”

In his most strident attack yet on health and safety David Cameron has pledged to cut back the "monster" he says it has become, free business from the "stranglehold" of red tape it creates, and reduce the "pointless time-wasting" it causes for the economy. Read More

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