Engage EHS

‘Managers need to be seen to lead by example when it comes to health and safety’

‘Getting senior management buy-in for your safety software project’ takes you through the steps that will let you gain -and maintain – engagement from senior management. Read More

Duty of care: 5 questions you might need to answer to keep you or your directors out of jail

Engage EHS CEO, Darragh Geoghegan, looks at 5 questions you might need to answer to keep you or your directors out of jail. Read More

4 ways your mind plays tricks when investigating an incident

This article considers a typical incident investigation and uses it to illustrate four common biases we are all prone to – and what we can do to overcome bias when investigating a safety incident. Read More

5 reasons to attend the Engage EHS Virtual Safety Summit

The Virtual Safety Summit will be taking place from 3-4 November 2020. Brought to you by Engage EHS, this event promises to bring attendees world-class content from within the safety, legal and technology fields. Read More

Using social safety to drive behavioural change

Are you one of the growing number of organisations applying behavioural safety principles? Have you checked that the behavioural principles you’re applying are based on the most up-to-date evidence? Or are they based, as too many are, on Pavlovian theories of reward and punishment developed a century ago by studying dogs salivating for food? Read More

Solving your permit woes with software

The latest offering from Engage EHS aims to bring an end to industry reliance on paper permits, letting users create, request and manage permits for all manner of hazardous work. Read More

How do you find the software you need in the EHS software maze?

The issue of EHS software is often post dated with the comment: 'do we really need it'. Like most applications, it isn’t a necessity, but it will make your life and the world of compliance much easier. Finding the right application, however, is the stumbling block for many. Read More

Growing safety engagement in your workplace

What is safety culture, and whose job is it to change it? If it’s not just a feeling, but about people doing the right thing, is behaviour-based safety the answer? And does all of this just mean more work for safety professionals? Read More

Effective Software rebrands as Engage EHS: In conversation with CEO, Darragh Geoghegan

With the aim to strengthen global expansion plans, Effective Software has changed its name to Engage EHS. We caught up with CEO, Darragh Geoghegan, to find out what the rebrand means for the company and its customers, current and prospective. Read More

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Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business