forum for private business

SME spend on external help with health and safety compliance soars

"Sweeping changes" to health and safety laws due to take effect in October should see a more significant drop in the time and costs expended by SMEs in ensuring they are compliant. Read More

Small firms lack faith in war on red tape

Many small-business owners have serious misgivings about the Government's ability to liberate them from the burden of red tape, a new study suggests. Read More

“Scrooge employers” are skating on thin ice in current weather conditions

The current adverse weather conditions have prompted the TUC to advise firms to allow staff to work from home where possible ヨ but an employers' group has warned that just a single day's absence could cost businesses millions.<br><br> Read More

Compliance and cost-control still a struggle for small firms

Declining markets, credit restrictions and sluggish payment by bigger companies are all combining to make small firms' efforts to comply with health and safety more difficult.<br><br> Read More

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Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business