hackitt report

FIREX International puts third-party certification centre stage

FIREX International is fully committing to promoting third-party approvals, independent accreditation and competency for construction products and services. Read More

The role of digital construction technology in improving fire safety and inspections

Matt Ryan explains how digital tools are providing the next step in fire safety inspection and compliance. Read More

Time to take a remote approach to fire safety

Ian Ballinger, Head of Projects and Certification at FireAngel, explores the benefits of following the principles of the Draft Building Safety Bill by procuring connected fire safety technologies that successfully future-proof an entire housing portfolio through the facilitation of a ‘Golden thread’ of digital building information that is accessible in real time by all necessary individuals. Read More

‘Dame Judith Hackitt’s proposed Joint Competent Authority will bring in an era of stronger enforcement and a new package of sanctions,’ says Chairman of the Fire and Security Association

Speaking at Firex International, Tom Brookes said overall Dame Judith made 53 recommendations in her final report, which was published in May 2018 and the government said they will take forward all 53. Read More

Tougher building safety regulations announced

The Government has announced new plans to create a more effective regulatory framework to improve building safety. The Building a Read More

Fire risk assessment sector must undergo cultural change in wake of Hackitt report, says safety expert

Speaking at FIREX 2018, Brian Gregory from Safety Management UK told delegates that “somebody needs to stand up and do something different” following the publication of Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent review of building regulations and fire safety. Read More

BIFM acts on fire safety accreditation

The British Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM) has announced plans to develop a new certified accreditation and training suite for professionals in charge of fire safety. Read More

Hackitt Review: British Safety Council voices concerns

The British Safety Council has voiced concerns around some of the recommendations in last week’s report by Dame Judith Hackitt into improving fire safety. Read More

Should Dame Hackitt have recommended a ban on combustible cladding?

Within hours of the report being release, the Government announced it would consult on the matter. Housing Secretary James Brokenshire announced the plan “having listened carefully” to others on the issue. Read More

Grenfell Tower: Government will consult on cladding after Hackitt report fails to recommend ban

Dame Judith Hackitt has delivered her final recommendations for improving fire safety in the built environment, commissioned following the Grenfell Tower fire. Read More

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