health care

Leaked report reveals ‘safety shortcuts’ at children’s hospital

A leaked report has revealed "safety shortcuts" in operating theatres at a children's hospital in Liverpool. Read More

NHS bosses recommit to staff health and well-being

Health-care leaders meeting for the first time since the reformed NHS system came into operation earlier this month have signed pledges in support of employee health and well-being. Read More

HSE launches probe into patient death at Stafford Hospital

The HSE has announced it has begun a formal investigation into the circumstances of the death in April 2007 of Gillian Astbury, an in-patient at Stafford Hospital. Read More

Nurses injured by sharps at risk of psychiatric trauma

New research has revealed that people who experience needlestick injuries can suffer persistent and substantial psychiatric illness, or depression. Read More

Two-thirds of workers drop out of NHS health campaign

An Olympics-inspired pilot aimed at encouraging NHS Wales staff to improve their health recently came to an end, with just over a third of the workers who signed up to the campaign seeing it through to the end. Read More

Whistleblowing made easier for Scottish NHS staff

A free, confidential phone line for NHS staff who wish to raise any concerns about practices in NHSScotland launched today (2 April). Read More

Health care – Joy revision

Prof Cary Cooper considers the importance of protecting employees' mental health and well-being and insists that greater focus on these issues complements rather than conflicts with efforts and initiatives aimed at improving growth and companies' bottom lines. Read More

Health care – Arrested development

David Osborn examines the legal arguments Read More

More resource to help HSE prosecute serious health-care failings

In the wake of the patient-safety scandal at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust, the Government has promised to ensure the HSE has suitable resource to use its full prosecution powers in incidents where criminally negligent practice in hospitals is identified. Read More

NHS progress on sickness absence has stalled, says physios’ body

Three years on from a major review of the NHS, which identified the potential for the organisation to reduce sickness absence by a third, progress in this area has been limited, a report by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists (CSP) has revealed. Read More

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