Nick Bell

Lessons from a modern Christmas Carol

SHP takes a look back at this article from Dr Nick Bell who offers a seasonal reflection on what lessons we and our profession might learn through the eyes of Charles Dickens. Read More

‘111 dead, 188 hurt and a city in shock’

This was the headline in the Kansas City Star from July 19, 1981, reporting on the collapse of two walkways at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City two days earlier. Dr Nick Bell reflects on lessons that we still need to draw from this incident. Read More

Lessons from a year of online training

As the world begins to reopen, there is ongoing speculation about the changing shape of our work and workplaces. Last year, Dr Nick Bell asked, “Is online training a ‘new normal’?” Here, he reflects on what he has learned since... Read More

The wild west of wellbeing

Dr Nick Bell explains that wellbeing may exist in an ‘unregulated’ space between various disciplines. Here he explores what wellbeing means, discusses some of the long-standing theories that can inform our understanding and sets out practical steps that a health and safety practitioner can take to make a success of wellbeing. Read More

Long working hours: ‘745,000 deaths are the tip of the iceberg’

The World Health Organization has recently drawn attention to research which estimated that 745,000 people died globally in 2016 due to health conditions (such as stroke and heart disease) associated with long working hours. Dr Nick Bell discusses the implications and the likelihood that this is a significant underestimation of the harm caused by long working hours. Read More

Being a lone wolf during lockdown – Implications of the coronavirus for the self-employed

Everyone has their own unique stories of coronavirus and lockdown. In the latest of his series of ‘lone wolf’ articles, Dr Nick Bell reflects on six implications of the crisis for the self-employed. Read More

Is online training a ‘new normal’?

Avoiding the pitfalls of online training with some simple steps. Dr Nick Bell shares his thoughts about this new way of working. Read More

Health and safety when ‘dragonhunting’

'Long before I facilitated health, safety and wellbeing training, I helped groups of friends to plunder lost tombs and avert Orc invasions. My name’s Nick and I play Dungeons and Dragons'. What could health and safety trainers could learn from a dungeon master? Read More

Horizon scanning: Questions about the ‘new normal’

Regardless of the UK’s approach for lifting lockdown, we will be living in what is euphemistically called a ‘new normal’. This creates new challenges and opportunities for the health and safety and allied professions. Read More

A tangled path into health and safety

Dr Nick Bell explains how the foundations of his path into health and safety were laid as a teenager. Read More

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Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business