
Feeling unwell? How to decide if you should take a sick day

As the rise in home working blurs the boundary between work and home lives, it has become easier for people to work while unwell. But should you? Read More

Physiotherapy helps Civil Nuclear Constabulary increase wellbeing and productivity

CNC aims to reduce incidents of sickness absence which resulted from musculoskeletal disorders that were caused by the nature of the its work. Read More

Sick days among British workers at record low

The average number of sickness absence days taken by UK workers has fallen to the lowest rate on record, according to official figures. Read More

Common health issues in the workplace – A headache or an itch that needs to be scratched?

Work and health are inextricably linked – and can have both positive and negative impact on each other, says Clare Forshaw. Read More

Workers with depression more productive if they can talk to bosses

Employees who feel able to speak openly about their depression with their managers are more productive at work, according to a new academic study. Read More

TSB staff faced ‘sickness epidemic’ after IT crash

There was a “sickness epidemic” caused by stress and customer abuse among TSB staff following the bank’s much-publicised IT meltdown in April, according to new documents published by a leading group of MPs. Read More

The real reason employees call in sick: one fifth mask stress as a physical illness

UK employees have revealed the real reason they call in sick – despite claiming to have a physical health problem, they admit it’s actually stress (21%), anxiety (18%) and/or depression (20%). Read More

USDAW: Better mental health awareness needed to tackle stigma

USDAW general secretary calls for greater understand of mental health issues. Read More

How the Civil Nuclear Constabulary increased wellbeing

A new physiotherapy service increased well-being and productivity and reduced sickness absence levels. Read More

Wellbeing: 37% of workers ‘at risk’ of unpaid bills from ill-health

Lack of financial security putting workers at risk if fall into ill-health. Read More

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Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business