
Can you afford a lone worker safety solution?

SoloProtect explains how a lone worker safety solution can both save and make your organisation money, the most cost-effective options & how to get the best deal Read More

Protecting lone workers through the winter months

The clocks will soon be going back, with fewer daylight hours and colder, wetter weather conditions, organisations up and down the country are considering the changing risks their workers will face through the winter months and how they can best support them. Read More

Safety technology gathering dust? Here’s how to maximise usage

Do you have safety technology that rarely sees the light of day? Could usage be improved to better protect your staff, reduce risk, and maximise your investment? Read More

SoloProtect launches new range of intuitive touchscreen devices

SoloProtect has launched a new range of intuitive touchscreen devices to bring an enhanced level of technology and design to the lone worker safety market. Read More

Business Case for Investment in a Lone Worker Safety Solution

Learn how a lone worker safety solution can help you to avoid unexpected fines, costs & losses, save & make money plus how to choose wisely Read More

Top ten tips for lone working over the festive period

SoloProtect discusses ways in which lone workers can remain safe over the festive season. Read More

Lone worker device or app? Which should you choose?

If you’re looking to enhance your organisation’s employee safety measures, you will, no doubt, have considered rolling out dedicated lone worker safety devices to high-risk colleagues. Read More

24/7 safety app protects homeworkers from risk

It’s important to remember that homeworkers are also lone workers. So how can you demonstrate duty of care and ensure their safety and wellbeing is protected? Read More

Safety app protects remote workers

If you’re regularly faced with social risks such as aggressive behaviour or verbal abuse, carrying a dedicated personal safety device is essential to ensure you can discreetly call for help, without needing to make a call on your mobile phone (because this could cause the situation to escalate). Read More

Safety app provides 24/7 emergency support

If you haven’t yet provided your employees with a personal safety solution to ensure their security and wellbeing, or you’re looking to expand your current solution to include lower risk colleagues, a personal safety mobile app is a great place to start. Read More

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Environmental, Social & Governance White Paper

Improving Workplace Safety: Personality Assessments to improve organisational safety culture

Strong foundation – embedding safety culture in your frontline workers

Contractor Selection and Management in Times of Labour Shortage

Streamlining your safety processes to drive proactive improvements across your business