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Showing results for workplace violence

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Workplace violence: dealing with alcohol fuelled aggression

Often in training sessions, learners ask us how they should deal with customers who are behaving aggressively and appear to Read More

Workplace violence: practical steps to a safe working environment

Jayne Simpson, Hill Dickinson: some practical tips and guidance on the steps that employers might take to protect their employees and, therefore, also avoid claims. Read More

Lone working: using technology in your strategy

Electronic lone worker systems can do a lot to improve the safety of lone workers. However it's important that they are used only as part of an overall lone worker strategy and not as a solution on their own. Read More

Violence at work: keeping your employees safe

Jayne Simpson, Hill Dickinson: Employers owe a duty to their employees to provide a safe working environment and this includes taking steps to protect them from acts of criminal violence in the workplace perpetrated by members of the public. Read More

Dealing with aggression in the workplace: five point plan

Suzy Lamplugh Trust director Rachel Griffin lists the five steps to take to deal with aggression in the workplace. Suzy Lamplugh Trust is sponsoring the lone working arena at Safety and Health Expo Read More

Assessing the Training Needs of Lone Workers

Nicole Vasquez, training consultant at Worthwhile Training, outlines the considerations that need to be taken when organising training for lone workers Read More

Summary: tackling violence against staff: best practice for retailers

Tackling violence against staff: best practice guidelines for retailers (2nd Edition 2014) was developed by members of the British Retail Consortium's Tackling Retail Violence Working Group with the intention of providing helpful advice to retailers to help protect their staff from violence, threatening behaviour and abuse against their staff. Read More

On the front line

Most of us who travel by train will never abuse, threaten or assault those who work on the railways. However, as in other service industries, railway employees are subject to very real risks of violence and aggression on a regular basis as Nicole Vazquez explains. Read More

How to create a personal safety policy

SHP Lone Worker Series, sponsored by People Safe: A personal safety policy is a written statement of intent that outlines what actions an organisation will undertake to fulfil its legal obligations towards managing personal safety risks to its staff. Read More

Self-employed to be exempt from health and safety law – are they really low risk?

In his speech to the Federation of Small Businesses this week, David Cameron announced that one million self-employed people will be completely exempt from health and safety law when the Deregulation Bill comes into force. Read More

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