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Body cams for ambulance staff after rise in attacks

England’s ambulance trusts are expected to be given body cameras by the end of the month as assaults on ambulance workers rise by almost a third in five years. Read More

‘Domestic abuse is everybody’s business and people need to take a stand and listen’

Statistics from before the pandemic show that one in four women and one in six men will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime; 56% of employers say that domestic abuse leads to absenteeism and 54% to a reduction in quality of work... Read More

Scheme launched to increase convictions for assault on frontline NHS staff

A London-wide operation has been launched to convict those who assault NHS staff. The initiative will see a senior officer review all reports of assaults and hate crime against NHS staff. Read More

Employee wellbeing: critical for business success in 2021

Alaana Woods, Commercial Director at Bupa Health Clinics, explains how businesses cannot just survive, but thrive, in 2021 by engaging employees with their health and wellbeing and provides some tips on how to put employee wellbeing top of the agenda. Read More

How to support women’s health in the workplace

Some small, but achievable, steps to help promote women’s health in the workplace. Read More

Finalists announced for SHP’s Most Influential Team Award

Six teams have been shortlisted as finalists by our panel of judges, with the winner being announced in early December. Read More

On-demand webinar: Health and safety in the new normal

In this Access Group webinar, GRC specialist Chris Chappell discusses the unique and unprecedented health and safety challenges faced by organisations across the nation in the current climate - and how to overcome them. Read More

Four in 10 police officers say they were assaulted last year and attacks on firefighters on the rise

A poll of more than 40,000 police officers in England and Wales has said that almost four in ten said they had been assaulted in the last year, while latest government figures show that attacks on firefighters in England have surged by 66% in four years. Read More

Doubling maximum sentence for assaulting an emergency worker

Anyone who assaults or attacks emergency workers could face longer jail terms, following the announcement of a consultation on doubling the maximum penalty for the offence. Read More

How the construction industry is recognising and tackling fatigue

Marcus de Guingand from Third Pillar of Health, explores some of the common findings in respect of fatigue in construction from conversations with industry professionals. He'll also delve into some of the consequences and look at how you can help reduce this hidden problem. Read More

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