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Showing results for workplace violence

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Gloucestershire police to get body cameras

Gloucestershire Constabulary said all frontline officers will be wearing REVEAL body cameras by the end of April. Read More

Body cameras in the railway sector: Keeping workplace safety on track

Rail operators are joining the long-list of organisations to rollout body cameras to staff in various parts of the country. Read More

Health & safety in hospitality: The most common accidents

What is causing a higher than average injury-rate within the hospitality and leisure sector and how can accidents be prevented? Read More

Protecting shop workers from threats and violence

There are signs that a growing number of shopkeepers and others working in retail are facing assaults and threats from customers. Read More

Compassionate leadership at Public Health England

“The biggest regret in my career wasn’t failing to meet a financial target but in fact exceeding it, at the Read More

Bullying follows LGB people from school to work, report finds

Around a third of lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals who are bullied at school will have similar experiences in the workplace later in life, according to new research. Read More

Workplace bullying common among doctors, study reveals

According to the report, 39% of UK doctors said they believed there was a problem with bullying, undermining or harassment in their main place of work. Read More

Sexual harassment in public has become ‘relentless’, MPs warn

A report by the Women and Equalities Parliamentary Select Committee warns that harassment on the street, and in bars, buses and trains is 'deeply ingrained in our culture' and its damage is 'far reaching'. Read More

Growing UK drug culture requiring rigorous workplace testing policies

Eurofins has launched a new 'holistic ' workplace drug testing service to combat the growing drug use in the UK. Read More

Paramedics to get body cameras

Paramedics are to be issued with body cameras as part of a new government drive to tackle abuse and violence against NHS staff. Read More

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